A mission of Sussex United Methodist Church
A mission of Sussex United Methodist Church
Our Biographies
Our teachers are among the most talented and educated in the field. With the family-like atmosphere we are known for, we would be honored to have you a part of it!

Pastor Jim Altman
Hi! I'm Rev Jim Altman, the new pastor at Sussex UMC. You need to know that even though I was born and raised in the greater Pittsburgh area, I have a Packer plate on my main car and am well-aware of where I live now. I've been a United Methodist pastor for thirty-three years. Most of my appointments were in the Florida Conference, as far north as Jacksonville and as far south as the Florida Keys. And you'll notice that I import quite a bit of Southern and no small amount of Tropical wherever I go. I call it "relaxed elegance," but it's a blend of Ernest Hemingway, Jimmy Buffett, and Jeff Foxworthy, with a dash of Sonny Crockett for good measure. It was in 2004 that I took that wrong turn at the Jacksonville Post-Office and ended up in Stanley, Wisconsin at the Stanley-Thorp-Cadott Charge. Four years later, hooked on the cheese, I transferred my membership into the Wisconsin Conference and was promptly reassigned to the Rice Lake-Canton Charge. Eight years later, and the Bishop said, "Go east, young man," and here I am.
I guess my hobbies, if they can be called that, are anything church related. I was spending every minute of my free time involved in my church in DeLand, Florida, and in that conference's youth and young adult ministries, so I decided that church should be my vocation and not just my avocation. God was leading, I was following. It's been a real adventure, to say the least. Ministry has taken me halfway around the globe, to the Holy Land three times, to follow the sea voyages of Paul, up some pretty high mountains, and diving beneath the clear blue waters of the Keys. I've biked, hiked, canoed, golfed, played softball, basketball, volleyball, four-square, and thrown darts, all in the pursuit of ministry. I've deep fried turkeys, grilled burgers and brats, smoked ribs, let the good times roll, and tripped the light-fantastic, all in the name of Jesus. Church has taught me many a thing that I'd never have learned elsewhere, including how to cook and sing. As anyone can easily see, I love to eat, an especially United Methodist trait. I can already foresee a number of themed dinners in your fantastic fellowship hall. "Laissez les bon temps rouler!" I'm ready to rock and roll! Are you?
Still, the greatest privilege of ministry for me has been being welcomed into the lives and homes of thousands of parishioners. Oh, the places I've gone and the people I've met! What an honor it's been! And, behold! a whole new family of friends to be a part of. I'm looking forward to it. Don't be surprised or afraid when I call, asking to come by and visit. Relax, don't worry, I don't come with an agenda. I just want to get to know you. Acts Chapter Two teaches us that when a group of people are in one place and in one accord some amazing things can happen.

Ms. Terri, A.A.; Leadership Credential; Co-Director, 4-K/School Age Teacher
Ms. Terri has been with Noah's Ark since July of 2000. She primarily works in the 4K and School-Age classroom but does help out where ever she is needed. Most recently Miss Terri was named Co-Director here at The Ark. This change allows her to spend time in her classroom as well as the office. Terri has her Associate's Degree in Early Childhood Education. Terri has also taken a Center Director and a Center Adminstrator correspondence course. She has successfully earned her Leadership Credential from UW-Plattville, and is a level 13 on the Registry. Currently Miss Terri is pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education at UW-Whitewater. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, listening to music, playing sports, and spending time with her family.

Ms. Debbie, B.A., DPI License, Infant/Toddler Credential; Co-Director, Toddler Teacher
Miss Debbie has had a variety of roles at Noah’s Ark starting back in 1994 as a parent of three children who attended here. Shortly after that Miss Debbie joined the Board of Directors and became the center Treasurer. While obtaining her Wisconsin DPI teaching license she became our part-time 4K teacher. After completion of her DPI license Miss Debbie was a substitute teacher in the Sussex and Hartland school districts as well as here at NACLC. Finally in September of 2012 Miss Debbie joined our team full-time as a toddler teacher. Most recently Miss Debbie was named Co-Director here at The Ark so she now spends time in the classroom and the office. Miss Debbie holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from UW-Whitewater, completed her teaching license at Concordia University, and has successfully earned an Infant Toddler Credential from UW-Platteville. She is a level 14 on the Registry. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, and spending time with her now grown children and grandchildren.

Ms. Laurie, Infant/Toddler Credential; CDA Toddler Teacher
Ms. Laurie has been employed at Noah's Ark since October of 1993. She has been our Toddler teacher for three years. Prior to that, she taught in our Infant classroom, or helped in other classrooms as needed. Ms. Laurie has acquired her Infant/Toddler Certification, and School Age Certification. She is also certified to teach Baby Signs, which is used often in both the Infant and Toddler classrooms. Ms. Laurie is has successfully completed her Infant/Toddler Credential through UW Plattville, and is a level 9 on the Registry. When away from Noah's Ark, Ms. Laurie enjoys spending time with her family, scrapbooking, card-making, and vacationing up north.

Ms. April, Infant Teacher
Miss April has been with Noah's Ark since June, 2010. She works primarily in our Infant and Toddler classrooms, although it is not uncommon to see her helping where she is needed! Ms. April holds her BS in Linguistics from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. She has also completed her ECI, ECII, and Infant/Toddler Certifications, and is a level 12 on the Registry. When away from Noah's Ark, Ms. April can be found reading, walking her dog, and spending time with her family.

Ms. Samie, Preschool Teacher
Samie has had the privilege of working with the children at Noah’s Ark since October 2012. She is currently working on her Early Childhood Education Associates Degree at Waukesha County Technical College. She is a level 11 on The Registry. In the future, she hopes to open her own childcare center and continue influencing the lives of young children. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her family, shopping and furthering her education in the field of Early Childhood.

Ms. Dawn, Assistant Teacher, Administrators Credential
Miss Dawn has been working in the child care field since 1992. She has worked in several centers and has done home child care for a while. Ms. Dawn has worked with all age groups but she really enjoys the 3-4 year olds. Ms. Dawn comes to us with all her state required courses and holds her administrative credential. For the past 10 years, she was a Co-Owner/Co-Director of TLC University in Pewaukee. In her spare time, Ms. Dawn enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She is also an avid reader and scrapbooker.

Ms. Veronica, Assistant Teacher
Miss Veronica has been working at Noah's Ark since June 2017. She is a full-time floater, primarily in the infant and toddler rooms. She has her EC1 and EC2 certifications. She has taken Child Guidance I-III at Hamilton High School. She is also trained in Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention. Miss Veronica is currently pursuing an Associate’s Degree in Radiography at WCTC. In her spare time she enjoys reading, doing art and spending time with friends and family.

Ms. Amanda, 4K/School Age Teacher
Miss Amanda has been with Noah's Ark since June 2010, and has been in the field since 2009. She holds her EC I and ECII credentials, her Infant/Toddler certification, and has been trained in Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention, First Aid/CPR/AED and Baby Signs. Miss Amanda is a level 3 on the Registry. She is currently working on her Early Childhood Associates Degree at WCTC. Away from Noah's Ark, Miss Amanda enjoys spending time with friends and family, reading, shopping, and listening to music.